

Snake River


  1. a river flowing from NW Wyoming through S Idaho into the Columbia River in SE Washington: Shoshone Falls. 1,038 miles (1,670 km) long.

Snake River


  1. a river in the northwestern US, rising in NW Wyoming and flowing west through Idaho, turning north as part of the border between Idaho and Oregon, and flowing west to the Columbia River near Pasco, Washington. Length: 1670 km (1038 miles)

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Example Sentences

He was the point man in the promotion when Evel Knievel swore he'd soar across Snake River Canyon in a sawed-off rocket ship.

Accordingly they made their way to the Big Snake River where they went into quarters for the winter.

The Snake River, flowing through beautiful country, was filled with rapids, and they had many hardships in passing them.

The whites, being greatly outnumbered, suffered a disastrous defeat and were driven back to the Snake river in great disorder.

They would haul the lumber from the mountains by team and then raft the lumber down the Snake river.

They bought grain in the Palouse district and along Snake river.



